21.   LUKoil is currently in negotiations on the construction of the terminal with the US engineering firm Fluor Daniel.

v. + firm >>共 586
stand 10.13%
hold 8.86%
account 6.02%
consult 3.77%
bank 3.18%
leave 3.02%
join 2.20%
buy 1.47%
accuse 1.19%
hire 1.16%
engineer 0.54%
engineer + n. >>共 354
ouster 3.04%
firm 3.04%
election 1.74%
turnaround 1.74%
trade 1.59%
change 1.59%
merger 1.59%
deal 1.45%
meeting 1.16%
corn 1.16%
每页显示:    共 21