21.   European Union finance ministers meeting over the weekend in Dublin agreed on a pact to enforce budgetary discipline among members of the planned union.

22.   Enforcing that discipline calls for boldness on the part of conservatives in Congress.

23.   He said the basic problem with networks is that, as confederations, they find it hard to enforce discipline except at relatively long intervals.

24.   If investors become convinced that the IMF always stands ready to forestall default, Rubin has said, then they will not demand that national leaders enforce economic discipline.

25.   It might have been a way to enforce discipline within a group, as herders of cattle and horses sometimes do with whips.

26.   Jews should enter into a dialogue with Farrakhan when he renounces anti-Semitism and demonstrates his sincerity by cutting out the slurs and enforcing rhetorical discipline among his disciples.

27.   Moreover, party leaders and organizations in these countries sought to regulate electoral competition in order to enforce party discipline in legislative assemblies and executive posts.

28.   Now it seems the PRI has lost the ability to enforce discipline within its own ranks.

29.   On one hand, he said, public ownership enforces financial discipline and makes it easier for owners to sell stock.

30.   Political reality, even more than party loyalty, will enforce discipline.

v. + discipline >>共 240
impose 7.29%
maintain 6.56%
enforce 5.63%
have 5.21%
face 3.96%
lack 3.65%
instill 3.13%
show 2.60%
restore 2.60%
require 2.29%
enforce + n. >>共 429
law 22.40%
rule 8.67%
ban 5.31%
regulation 4.04%
sanction 2.07%
order 2.00%
peace 1.92%
policy 1.92%
agreement 1.82%
embargo 1.64%
discipline 1.37%
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