21.   But state legislatures have begun to encounter resistance to their budget-cutting for higher education.

22.   But the tension was a sign that Fox will encounter resistance from the PRI and the leftist Democratic Revolution Party, the PRD, on some proposals.

23.   But this is a flash point that they retreated from last year after they encountered resistance from women and minorities.

24.   Cablevision, on the other hand, might encounter resistance from its own customers, who might not trust the company with their telephone service.

25.   Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany could encounter similar resistance in elections next year.

26.   Colangelo said he not only encountered no resistance in carrying out his off-season plan, but he even found it to be a positive development.

27.   Despite its far superior firepower, the Nigerian-led offensive was encountering stiff resistance from the combined forces of the Sierra Leone army and the Revolutionary United Front.

28.   Despite three months of bombardments, Russian troops encountered fierce resistance from rebels dug into a network of fortified trenches and bunkers.

29.   Duval has encountered resistance from the middle class, which sometimes cringes when he suggests that they send their children to play with youngsters from Cite Soleil.

30.   Duval said he had encountered resistance from the managers of other teams, who he said resent his efforts.

v. + resistance >>共 316
meet 16.19%
face 9.09%
offer 8.96%
encounter 8.40%
develop 7.32%
overcome 4.13%
expect 1.51%
have 1.46%
provide 1.38%
spearhead 1.34%
encounter + n. >>共 748
problem 12.99%
resistance 8.98%
difficulty 5.71%
opposition 4.38%
trouble 2.40%
obstacle 1.38%
people 1.06%
turbulence 1.01%
man 0.92%
criticism 0.83%
每页显示:    共 194