21.   Winter storms kept many workers at home and skewed data on wages and hours worked as well as the overall employment picture.

22.   Winter storms kept many workers at home and skewed data on wages and hours worked, as well as the overall employment picture.

23.   Analysts said the economy may be slowing as interest rates rise, but they questioned whether the employment picture was as weak as the government figures suggest.

24.   Economists are concerned that if the employment picture worsens, consumers might sharply cut spending and tip the economy into a recession.

25.   He did not rule out that harsh weather conditions could again adversely affect the employment picture in December.

26.   The employment picture has been complicated this year by the swing in government hiring for the census.

27.   The employment picture will likely get worse before it gets any better.

28.   The findings add to an already dim employment picture in China.

29.   Yet the overall employment picture remained strong, indicating an economy that continues to post solid growth with no inflation.

30.   Yet the overall employment picture remained strong, indicating an economy that is continuing to post solid growth with no inflation.

n. + picture >>共 507
television 10.07%
playoff 5.28%
satellite 4.95%
color 4.12%
team 2.34%
file 2.22%
championship 2.00%
employment 1.95%
baby 1.84%
weather 1.67%
employment + n. >>共 386
report 13.76%
figure 6.66%
opportunity 4.87%
datum 4.75%
growth 3.80%
contract 3.69%
level 2.29%
law 2.01%
discrimination 1.79%
index 1.79%
picture 0.98%
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