21.   Employees who fail go to the human resources department, where their test history and tracking technique is evaluated.

22.   From this point, the employees are going to be suspicious of any actions he may take, no matter how supportive they may appear to be.

23.   Having recently let about five employees go, at least temporarily, Fancher expected to have only four or five left by January.

24.   He and his colleagues concluded that no formula could predict whether a particular employee is going to quit.

25.   He walked over to a table, where an airline employee went through his bags and waved a magnetic wand across his body.

26.   Her business eventually soured to the point where she had to let her remaining employees go and rely on friends to help out.

27.   Hitt said he has encountered angry employees while flying on an airline whose employees had gone through a series of downsizings and outsourcings.

28.   Hyundai is the first big South Korean company to dismiss workers en masse, and other employees have gone on strike in protest.

29.   How do the lower paid employees go back and negotiate for a higher rate of pay?

30.   If pay levels are shrouded in secrecy, employees are still going to talk about what they make, only this time the numbers will be inflated.

n. + go >>共 1293
thing 2.90%
people 1.60%
money 1.59%
team 1.36%
bomb 1.26%
case 1.08%
company 1.07%
game 0.86%
price 0.76%
man 0.72%
employee 0.15%
employee + v. >>共 1085
be 12.94%
say 6.23%
have 5.01%
work 2.77%
take 2.08%
receive 1.81%
get 1.38%
go 1.19%
use 1.03%
tell 1.02%
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