21.   The electrical utility will be split into four distribution utilities, two generating utilities and a high-voltage electricity transmission unit.

22.   The market was led higher by Telecomunicacoes Brasileiras SA and other large, state-controlled telephone and electrical utilities and oil companies.

23.   The next single-largest sale was a stake in Cia. Paulista de Forca e Luz, a Sao Paulo electrical utility.

24.   The worst-performing stock in the Bay Area by far was Kenetech Corp. of San Francisco, which sells wind turbines to electrical utilities and industrial customers.

25.   Twenty states are well on the way to opening their electrical utilities to competition.

26.   Earlier this month, an electrical utility cut off power to a strategic missile base for unpaid bills, panicking top government officials.

27.   Finnish metals producer Outokumpu and the Endesa electrical utility of Chile have signed a preliminary agreement to build a copper refinery in northern Chile.

28.   From electrical utilities to entertainment companies, merger watchers say the boom will continue as long as the stock market remains strong.

29.   Traders also attributed the bullish market to interest rate cuts in Great Britain and France, which boosted interest-rate-sensitive stocks such as electrical utilities.

30.   He has been unable to overcome dissent inside the government regarding the privatization of such giants as Entel, the electrical utility, and Stet, the telecommunications conglomerate.

a. + utility >>共 408
electric 25.23%
local 4.57%
state 2.76%
the 2.36%
major 2.21%
municipal 2.06%
regional 1.86%
electrical 1.81%
regulated 1.56%
large 1.51%
electrical + n. >>共 402
power 7.16%
equipment 5.85%
system 4.26%
appliance 4.05%
wire 3.72%
outlet 3.07%
wiring 3.04%
problem 2.76%
current 2.32%
charge 2.08%
utility 0.84%
每页显示:    共 36