21.   The bill passed the House last year, but drew objections from lawmakers who feared it would threaten abortion rights.

22.   The bill still contains several elements drawing objections from some lawmakers and groups representing inventors.

23.   The Baptists have sought to convert Jews, drawing strong objections from Jewish people, and members of many other Christian denominations.

24.   The Eastside light-rail project continued to draw objections Thursday from the Bus Riders Union, which has lobbied and filed suit for improvements in bus service.

25.   The Forum said the site drew strong objections from Muslim academics in Egypt and elsewhere.

26.   The high cost of the regulations drew objections from industry and small businesses.

27.   The Red Cross effort has drawn strenuous objections from independent centers.

28.   The proposal drew vehement objections from civil liberties groups.

29.   The proposal swiftly drew objections from advertisers and television executives, who said it would be offensive.

30.   The policy is contentious at home and abroad, and has drawn sharp objections from Moscow and Beijing.

v. + objection >>共 233
raise 20.70%
have 16.90%
drop 4.88%
voice 3.84%
file 2.86%
draw 2.37%
make 2.12%
express 1.97%
overcome 1.87%
overrule 1.82%
draw + n. >>共 656
attention 9.56%
criticism 6.16%
line 4.85%
crowd 2.60%
fire 2.51%
conclusion 2.38%
support 2.07%
people 1.43%
walk 1.32%
plan 1.28%
objection 0.24%
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