21.   Here, as elsewhere in Africa, colonial officers divided ethnic groups and families when they drew boundaries.

22.   If the initiative passes, communities would take awhile to draw growth boundaries, but interim restrictions would kick in right away.

23.   In Africa, which has also had its share of border disputes, boundaries were drawn arbitrarily by colonial powers and often slice right through traditional tribal homelands.

24.   In fact, it was Johnson who, as a state senator, led the effort to draw those boundaries.

25.   In Southern California, voters drew clear boundaries around several rapidly growing cities between Santa Barbara and Los Angeles.

26.   Including them in the final count through a statistical adjustment, some argued, would help Democrats when legislative boundaries were drawn.

27.   In the Texas case, the court will decide what happens if race is one of several factors used by legislators in drawing district boundaries.

28.   It includes a requirement for cities, towns and counties to draw boundaries limiting where new growth can occur.

29.   It is a line that zigzags across the nation, each state drawing the boundary between individual rights and public safety in a different place.

30.   On Tuesday, Morales reiterated his call for an independent commission to draw congressional boundaries instead of the Legislature.

v. + boundary >>共 242
draw 7.24%
cross 6.98%
push 5.41%
hit 5.32%
set 3.75%
know 3.49%
redraw 3.23%
mark 3.14%
transcend 2.79%
define 2.53%
draw + n. >>共 656
attention 9.56%
criticism 6.16%
line 4.85%
crowd 2.60%
fire 2.51%
conclusion 2.38%
support 2.07%
people 1.43%
walk 1.32%
plan 1.28%
boundary 0.41%
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