21.   Scott has gone as far to invite the NRA to the table to help draft legislation.

22.   Several of the major Hollywood studios are supporting draft legislation proposed by Sen. Ernest Hollings, D-S.C., that would mandate the use of such technologies.

23.   Sen. Larry Craig led a senate hearing today on draft legislation which would transfer management of federal lands to states.

24.   Stooke declined to discuss specifics of the draft legislation, saying it was little more than a discussion document at this point.

25.   The Canadian government has said it will present this year draft legislation reforming foreign bank branching regulations.

26.   The CDT posted the draft legislation on its Web site after it was contacted by several members of Congress who had been given copies.

27.   The changes, which go far beyond those proposed by President Ronald Reagan, are described in draft legislation obtained Friday from Republican members of Congress.

28.   The council unveiled draft legislation in January also intended to ban conflict diamonds.

29.   The full Bundestag is set to receive the draft legislation, and may opt to begin debate on the plan.

30.   Their trade association, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, asked Hutt to help draft legislation for Congress.

n. + legislation >>共 568
reform 5.58%
campaign 5.52%
finance 4.95%
tobacco 4.27%
draft 4.10%
tax 3.10%
welfare 3.02%
year 2.50%
crime 2.25%
trade 1.99%
draft + n. >>共 406
pick 18.40%
choice 10.20%
resolution 7.34%
law 6.41%
agreement 3.92%
day 3.50%
report 2.70%
bill 2.37%
legislation 2.34%
plan 2.20%
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