21.   To reverse the downward slide, Zetcher initiated several changes, adopting a team approach to the design and styling of future merchandise.

22.   U.S. industrial production dropped in May for the third consecutive month, Federal Reserve figures showed today, suggesting the economy continues its downward slide.

23.   Unveiled by Caldera two months ago, the program is one of several Army initiatives designed to help counter a generally downward slide in enlistment and retention.

24.   Wallace said her working life took a definite downward slide during her annual job evaluation when she was pregnant with her second child.

25.   OPEC has agreed to two production cutbacks since prices began falling last year, but the downward slide has continued.

26.   Atle Skaardal of Norway, the two-time defending Whistler champion, continued his downward slide this winter.

27.   Brokers are blaming the downward slide on chaotic government policy and the ongoing feud between the government and independent power companies.

28.   Brokers blamed the downward slide on chaotic government policy and the ongoing feud between the government and independent power companies.

29.   But market analysts predicted that it would continue its downward slide.

30.   But the sector is thought to be on a downward slide.

a. + slide >>共 360
recent 5.99%
downward 4.37%
long 3.17%
economic 3.00%
overnight 2.74%
steep 2.40%
continued 2.14%
sharp 1.97%
emergency 1.97%
further 1.88%
downward + n. >>共 143
pressure 21.67%
spiral 21.05%
trend 18.33%
revision 8.15%
slide 3.55%
correction 2.02%
turn 1.46%
movement 1.05%
path 1.05%
header 0.98%
每页显示:    共 51