21.   A bone marrow transplant was their best hope, but only if the donor were a sibling who was a perfect match.

22.   A few donors have been forthcoming enough.

23.   After the donor was brain dead, his organs were kept pumping by artificial means.

24.   All the donors were U.S. citizens, the organizers said.

25.   Alex Perez, assistant superintendent for business, said that Dysart officials have to step up their fund-raising efforts, although major donors are rare in the district.

26.   Both donors now are ardent advocates of people getting a blood test for a donor match.

27.   But by the time donors are sure enough to begin aid, it can be too late.

28.   But fund-raisers said big-dollar political donors were willing to write numerous checks to different party committees in an effort to preserve their privacy.

29.   But Groneman concedes that with waiting lists growing longer every year and the pool of cadaver donors leveling off, donor pooling may be necessary in the near future.

30.   But he said that, regardless, private donors should be able to raise money for the rest of the students to stay in private schools.

n. + be >>共 1635
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