21.   There is no magical exchange rate that insures prosperity, and indeed there are dangers whether the dollar moves sharply up or sharply down.

22.   Traders said the dollar could move even higher if the Federal Reserve Board increased interest rates later this summer, as some now expect.

23.   Traders said the dollar could move even higher if the Federal Reserve raised interest rates later this summer, as it is widely expected to do.

24.   When Mexicans are asked if they would like to see dollars move freely in the economy, they invariably express overwhelming support.

25.   Which may account for how quickly a dollar moves through our hands.

26.   While the dollar initially moved little in reaction to the news, stocks and bonds gained handily.

27.   Yasuhisa Morikuni, a customer trader at Bank of America, said he doubted the dollar will move much even on stronger-than-expected U.S. employment numbers.

28.   A Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank dealer said the dollar moved in a narrow range in quiet trading prior to the weekend.

29.   At midday, however, the dollar was barely moving as the market otherwise lacked significant trading incentives, traders said.

30.   But as the crash appeared to be an accident, the dollar moved off its lows and returned to levels seen before the first reports of the crash.

n. + move >>共 1364
family 3.49%
company 2.43%
government 2.40%
price 1.97%
police 1.83%
troop 1.75%
people 1.72%
stock 1.48%
dollar 1.37%
force 1.37%
dollar + v. >>共 319
be 15.11%
rise 9.45%
fall 9.31%
make 3.23%
remain 2.57%
slip 2.48%
move 2.15%
help 2.12%
gain 2.04%
continue 1.90%
每页显示:    共 253