21.   Wild dogs roam the city, searching for snacks in garbage piled in the streets.

22.   Wild dogs roam the ancient city, snapping and snarling at tourists.

23.   Dogs roam the streets, often strewn with litter, and the elderly relax on their doorsteps, chatting with neighbors.

24.   Dogs roamed abandoned around the streets.

25.   Stray dogs roamed the streets.

n. + roam >>共 288
dog 3.82%
gang 3.21%
animal 2.45%
man 2.29%
dinosaur 2.14%
child 1.99%
people 1.83%
eye 1.68%
police 1.68%
band 1.53%
dog + v. >>共 652
be 17.40%
have 5.22%
bark 2.55%
die 1.75%
get 1.72%
run 1.64%
go 1.58%
bite 1.55%
eat 1.47%
come 1.44%
roam 0.69%
每页显示:    共 25