21.   The Mediterranean island has been divided since Turkish troops invaded after an abortive coup by Greek Cypriots, who favored union with Greece.

22.   The White House said it foresees an agreement to divide the island into two ethnic zones connected under a federal government.

23.   The typhoon moved out of Taiwan Thursday and crossed the Taiwan Strait, which divides the island from China.

24.   Turkey has said that if Cyprus joins the EU while the island is still divided, the breakaway state will be joined to Turkey.

25.   Bishop Karayannis said people understood that the clashes between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots in the UN-controlled buffer zone dividing the island had to end.

26.   The US ambassador to the United Nations, Madeleine Albright, visited Cyprus on Thursday in a bid to defuse escalating tension on the green line dividing the island.

27.   Turkish-Cypriot forces on Wednesday shot dead a Greek Cypriot in the latest outbreak of violence along the UN-patrolled buffer zone dividing the island.

28.   The White House said it was seeking an agreement which would divide the island into two ethnic zones with a single federal government.

29.   Three Greek-Cypriot protesters were injured Sunday during standoffs with Turkish-Cypriot troops in the UN-patrolled buffer zone dividing the island, state television reported.

30.   Worshippers have also reported at least six crying icons in another church in the village of Mammari in the UN-patrolled buffer zone dividing the island.

v. + island >>共 425
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regard 2.08%
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divide + n. >>共 1107
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