21.   Industry observers had widely divergent views about what effect the ruling will have.

22.   It was with those divergent views that Andersen leaders and Justice Department officials met in this case.

23.   Lawmakers who represent states with international borders had divergent views on using soldiers to ensure security.

24.   Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday heard wildly divergent views on the proposed merger of US Airways with United and American Airlines.

25.   Ms. LaHaye said she was startled this week when her radio program drew a flood of calls reflecting widely divergent views on the issue.

26.   Nixon himself would surely not be surprised by such divergent views.

27.   Planning is especially important for couples like Ms. Subach and Weinberg, who have widely divergent views on money.

28.   Politicians can promise not to go negative and then go negative anyway because they hold divergent views of what constitutes an out-of-bounds remark or advertisement.

29.   Saturday at a conference on Indian gaming at Harvard University, tribal officials offered wildly divergent views on the social impact of Indian-run casinos and Bingo halls.

30.   Stocks have been volatile this week amid divergent views on how much the new credit policy will help the economy and stocks.

a. + view >>共 746
different 6.78%
public 4.19%
political 2.84%
similar 2.28%
full 2.05%
clear 1.57%
better 1.55%
dim 1.43%
long 1.28%
panoramic 1.26%
divergent 0.57%
divergent + n. >>共 160
view 17.24%
path 6.90%
opinion 4.51%
position 3.45%
approach 3.18%
interpretation 3.18%
interest 2.39%
style 2.12%
conclusion 1.33%
report 1.33%
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