21.   Pilkington contends that associations of commercial divers could issue proper credentials showing that divers are trained and proficient enough to do certain kinds of dives.

22.   So far, divers have not been able to determine the extent of the problem the storms caused on the ocean bottom.

23.   Specially trained Norwegian divers are also on the way and are expected to arrive Sunday.

24.   The best divers are a stocky penguin nearly four feet tall known as the emperor and a blubbery, big-eyed seal called the Weddell.

25.   The divers have been in the water for two minutes.

26.   The two divers are locking horns in federal court over the rights to salvage a wreck that may or may not contain gold.

27.   Their divers are our loons.

28.   Police divers had been in the farmland area on Friday, but investigators on land eventually came upon the three dark green barrels early Saturday.

29.   Police were seeking to determine whether the divers may have been involved in a terrorist plot against the summit.

30.   A rescue boat rushed to the scene, but divers were unable to free the trapped and unconscious fisherman, whose name was withheld.

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diver 0%
diver + v. >>共 270
be 8.51%
search 8.16%
find 5.00%
recover 4.47%
have 2.54%
continue 2.28%
go 2.11%
begin 2.02%
say 2.02%
work 1.84%
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