21.   Other schools copy chapters of a book and distribute them as the semester progresses.

22.   Perkins also hopes to develop a new monthly print magazine, Hits, which is currently distributed as a quarterly insert to the Red Herring.

23.   Relief workers are racing the clock in Afghanistan, trying to distribute as much food, clothing, tents, and other supplies as possible before winter sets in.

24.   Sometimes, the company says, the Justice Department points to the entire Internet Explorer code, which Microsoft distributes as a separate product.

25.   That is because both products are distributed as concentrate to all points of the globe.

26.   The bulk of the U.S. aid comes in the form of free food distributed as meals at schools or sold in Haitian markets to fund other development projects.

27.   The final judgment was condoms could be distributed as an educational tool.

28.   The fingers were distributed as souvenirs. . . .

29.   The money would be distributed as federal grants to community programs.

30.   The proceeds would be either distributed as a dividend to shareholders, or used to acquire other potential mining properties.

v. + as >>共 749
know 10.51%
see 9.14%
come 4.10%
work 4.03%
use 3.96%
identify 3.04%
emerge 1.74%
describe 1.40%
take 1.39%
quote 1.35%
distribute 0.03%
distribute + p. >>共 53
in 35.94%
through 9.07%
at 7.45%
on 7.10%
throughout 5.70%
around 3.66%
for 3.38%
by 3.31%
across 3.16%
as 3.09%
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