21.   That description fit the Mets perfectly Monday.

22.   That description fits Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

23.   The description fits Haslett, who can go from a roar to a whisper in a blink.

24.   The description fit many of his other endeavors.

25.   The description fits such charming plants as pinks, sedums, soapworts, Japanese primrose and globeflower.

26.   The description could fit many Wall Street firms.

27.   The description fits Brown and Hentgen best of all.

28.   This gardener gave no botanical name, but her description fits that of a datura, which has blooms that open in the evening and close about midmorning.

29.   With Ms. Roberts, the description fits her like one of her large red hats or her first name.

30.   Yes, the description fits Thailand, Indonesia or Malaysia.

n. + fit >>共 979
piece 2.69%
punishment 1.95%
description 1.79%
shoe 1.48%
size 1.00%
name 0.90%
people 0.84%
glove 0.74%
clothes 0.69%
door 0.58%
description + v. >>共 115
be 37.12%
fit 7.42%
apply 2.84%
match 2.62%
come 2.18%
seem 2.18%
include 1.97%
lead 1.53%
suggest 1.53%
make 1.31%
每页显示:    共 34