21.   Republicans also dropped a proposal to allow authorities to deport legal immigrants who had received more than a year of welfare benefits within a seven-year period.

22.   The administration has proposed that authorities be able to detain or deport immigrants who are suspected of terrorism without the need to present any evidence in court.

23.   The agency also has faced criticism from Congress for failing to deport immigrants with criminal records.

24.   The increase, as expected, was largely due to the new immigration law expanding the list of crimes for which immigrants can be deported.

25.   The law enables the INS to deport immigrants who commit even relatively minor crimes.

26.   The INS in recent years has placed a greater emphasis on deporting illegal immigrants charged with crimes, but DUIs were a low priority until the Marietta tragedy.

27.   The report found that the forms used to deport illegal immigrants were printed specifically for citizens of Mexico.

28.   The Supreme Court agreed Friday to decide important questions about the harsh new approach that Congress adopted five years ago to deporting legal immigrants.

29.   There are no firm statistics on how many immigrants have been deported under the law because INS does not keep separate numbers on their cases.

30.   There are also several bills to address specific problems such as deporting criminal immigrants and reforming the asylum process.

v. + immigrant >>共 385
smuggle 3.74%
deport 3.63%
detain 2.87%
hire 2.55%
carry 2.49%
blame 2.33%
help 2.17%
bring 2.06%
keep 1.79%
attract 1.57%
deport + n. >>共 141
immigrant 11.32%
man 5.41%
alien 5.07%
foreigner 4.73%
thousand 4.39%
group 3.38%
people 3.21%
refugee 3.04%
hundred 2.20%
migrant 2.20%
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