21.   He also promised to tighten procedures to deport illegal aliens.

22.   Malaysia, seeking to protect its shores from immigrants fleeing economic distress throughout Southeast Asia, is also deporting illegal aliens at an unprecedented rate.

23.   The criminal alien deportation bill would streamline the deportation process and expand the scope of crimes for which aliens can be deported.

24.   The measure, now in the Senate, also would expand the scope of crimes for which aliens can be deported.

25.   The report comes with a new U.S. immigration law taking effect, making it easier to deport illegal aliens.

26.   INS Commissioner Doris Meisner said the arrests were part of an effort to identify and deport criminal aliens.

27.   Current law instead requires US officials to show why an illegal alien should be deported.

28.   The other sensitive bilateral subject between the United States and Mexico is a new US immigration law that makes it easier for American authorities to deport illegal aliens.

29.   It would allow the government to deport aliens based on secret information provided by federal authorities, even if a court has not convicted them of anything.

30.   Other illegal aliens are deported to their country of origin, a slower process.

v. + alien >>共 159
deport 8.62%
smuggle 7.47%
hire 6.61%
transport 4.31%
bar 2.87%
detain 2.59%
harbor 2.30%
carry 2.01%
employ 2.01%
see 2.01%
deport + n. >>共 141
immigrant 11.32%
man 5.41%
alien 5.07%
foreigner 4.73%
thousand 4.39%
group 3.38%
people 3.21%
refugee 3.04%
hundred 2.20%
migrant 2.20%
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