21.   At last report, he claimed to be in a remote area of Paraguay, making sporadic telephone calls to news media and denouncing the government.

22.   At last report, he claimed to be in a remote area of Paraguay, making sporadic telephone contact with news media and denouncing the government.

23.   But civic groups immediately denounced the government for giving in, and vowed to step up their campaign against buying foreign cars, whiskey and other products.

24.   Critics have denounced the government for the host of restrictions it has placed on the campaign.

25.   Elton Matafale, said his brother was arrested and later tortured by police because the document denounced the government for endorsing policies that caused poverty.

26.   Elton Matafale said his brother was arrested and later tortured by police because the document denounced the government for endorsing policies that caused poverty.

27.   Former President Jean-Baptiste Bagaza denounced the government Sunday for permitting a new influx of Rwandan refugees and accused it of harboring Hutu extremists.

28.   He pointed out that the group had once flown over Cuba and dropped leaflets denouncing the government.

29.   Human rights activists blame the former dictator for rights violations during his rule, but have denounced the government for keeping him in prison illegally.

30.   Human rights activists have blamed the former dictator for rights violations during his rule, but also denounced the government for keeping him in prison illegally.

v. + government >>共 708
accuse 10.94%
criticize 3.91%
overthrow 3.61%
say 2.62%
topple 2.48%
join 1.86%
support 1.60%
blame 1.59%
form 1.59%
fight 1.53%
denounce 0.41%
denounce + n. >>共 789
attack 4.46%
plan 2.98%
decision 2.62%
move 2.23%
violence 2.13%
proposal 2.13%
government 2.07%
terrorism 1.77%
killing 1.61%
measure 1.15%
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