21.   Both fear violent demonstrations could erupt if Marker travels there.

22.   But scattered demonstrations erupted around Miami late Sunday night, with hundreds of cars moving slowly along normally busy thoroughfares and small groups of pedestrians waving flags and shouting.

23.   Camdessus stressed that the IMF considered the stakes to be high in Indonesia, where anti-government demonstrations have erupted throughout the country in recent weeks.

24.   Demonstrations also erupted Saturday in the West Bank and Egypt, and protests against the U.S. and British attacks were staged Friday in Jordan, Lebanon and Yemen.

25.   Demonstrations erupted outside polling stations in Kashmir on Thursday, amid allegations of coerced voting by pro-independence supporters who want nothing to do with Indian elections.

26.   Demonstrations have erupted in Malaysia over the firing of Anwar Ibrahim, formerly the deputy premier, who differed with Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad over economic policy.

27.   Demonstrations erupted outside polling stations in Kashmir on Thursday, and pro-independence supporters opposed to the Indian elections said they were being forced to vote.

28.   Demonstrations also erupted Saturday in the West Bank, Egypt, Jordan and Sudan.

29.   Demonstrations erupted like brush fires outside polling stations in Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu-Kashmir state.

30.   Demonstrations erupted outside polling stations in Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu-Kashmir state.

n. + erupt >>共 518
violence 10.83%
thunderstorm 7.70%
clash 7.08%
protest 3.15%
riot 3.04%
battle 2.94%
crisis 2.74%
fire 2.69%
gunfire 2.35%
scandal 2.16%
demonstration 1.40%
demonstration + v. >>共 249
be 32.25%
take 8.49%
continue 3.31%
erupt 3.26%
come 2.94%
turn 2.83%
end 2.62%
begin 2.46%
follow 2.35%
occur 1.39%
每页显示:    共 61