21.   Last month, Tufts University graduate Daniel Pomerleau was arrested outside a marketplace in Bejing where he was demonstrating with a group of Falun Gong followers.

22.   Just in time, that game validated the progress Sutton had sensed but could not demonstrate with numbers.

23.   Living expenses need only be estimated, not demonstrated with receipts or bank statements.

24.   Meanwhile, a black separatist group that demonstrated with guns after the murder last summer was pressing to get seats in the courtroom.

25.   Other production techniques are demonstrated with slide projections on the floor.

26.   One of the skills Bush demonstrated with the Rangers was an ability to disagree with people without coming across as disagreeable.

27.   Patents originally covered only inventions that could be demonstrated with working mechanical models.

28.   She demonstrates with her hands what the table at the Federal Reserve building in Washington looks like and where Fed chairman Alan Greenspan sits during meetings.

29.   So far, what the Army has been able to demonstrate with its two incinerators has done little to appease critics.

30.   The Kings may be the best passing team in the league, something they demonstrated with devastating efficiency last Wednesday in Boston.

v. + with >>共 1051
work 7.83%
come 4.23%
begin 2.27%
cover 1.84%
stay 1.56%
struggle 1.44%
sign 1.35%
combine 1.34%
follow 1.19%
move 0.94%
demonstrate 0.02%
demonstrate + p. >>共 51
in 23.44%
against 17.41%
outside 12.70%
to 8.44%
at 7.75%
for 5.39%
on 4.51%
by 3.14%
in_front_of 2.75%
with 2.26%
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