21.   The answer may help define the limits of laughter as therapy for a painful past.

22.   The battle between the agency and the White House could lead to a landmark legal showdown that defines the limits of congressional power to investigate a president.

23.   The battle could lead to a landmark legal showdown that defines the limits of congressional power to investigate a president.

24.   The decision does define some limits.

25.   The first, as stated at the outset, is the imprecision of contentbased boundaries used without more to define the limits of the Commerce Clause.

26.   When their use was first allowed there, the limits were defined as the areas where snowmobiles were permitted in winter.

27.   All they need to do is read the regulations to all the troops, clearly define the limits of military conduct and obey the orders by enforcing the orders.

28.   Diplomats said the team would define the limits of the eight sites and determine which specific parts Iraq does not want to open to the Special Commission.

29.   It will define the limits of the PGA Tour to run the pro game.

30.   Jacob said he had expected the case to help define the limits of German censorship laws when applied to the international structure of the Internet.

v. + limit >>共 386
have 12.91%
set 9.68%
impose 7.41%
place 4.57%
reach 4.03%
put 3.36%
test 2.69%
push 2.69%
raise 2.30%
include 1.55%
define 0.90%
define + n. >>共 1107
term 2.42%
role 2.28%
recession 1.71%
life 1.33%
career 1.18%
area 1.18%
terrorism 1.12%
character 1.09%
relationship 1.06%
limit 1.03%
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