21.   And people decide for themselves.

22.   And so she usually just introduces the clip and tells the audience to decide for themselves whether it might be something they would like to see.

23.   And the Supreme Court has said that communities can decide for themselves what sexual expression crosses the line into obscenity.

24.   And while more kids than ever are playing sports, more also are dropping out as they enter their teens and finally can decide for themselves.

25.   And, let John McCain decide for himself the extent to which he wants to play the spoiler.

26.   Anyway, television personalities would do better to let viewers decide for themselves whether they are shocked.

27.   Baugh said that the jury could decide for itself what was important.

28.   Because there is no independent agency monitoring the care given to Texas inmates, the universities are left to decide for themselves what care is proper.

29.   Better to say no now and let future generations decide for themselves how far to let the genie go.

30.   A date has not yet been decided for the postponed TCU-Nebraska game.

v. + for >>共 935
work 5.21%
use 3.49%
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reach 3.03%
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be 1.81%
write 1.33%
close 1.07%
treat 1.03%
decide 0.10%
decide + p. >>共 66
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in 22.31%
at 7.86%
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for 5.80%
to 5.14%
between 4.27%
after 3.59%
within 2.76%
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