21.   That deal would create the fourth-largest natural gas pipeline company in North America.

22.   The companies hope that the deal will create a major media delivery company with both online and offline impact.

23.   The deal also would create big individual financial winners, from some policyholders to a group of private investors.

24.   The deal has created excitement in Clipperland.

25.   The deal will also create one-year guaranteed contracts for a small number of players.

26.   The deal will create a networking giant whose technologies and customer base will spread across many diverse market segments.

27.   The deal will create one of the largest insurance groups in the United States, where the industry has been steadily consolidating.

28.   The deal will create the largest toy company in the world.

29.   The deal would create one of the largest and most prestigious academic medical centers in the nation.

30.   The deal would create the largest company in the field and give doctors more power as they negotiate with HMOs.

n. + create >>共 2049
company 3.20%
government 1.71%
merger 1.55%
bill 1.34%
deal 1.13%
plan 0.84%
user 0.79%
people 0.78%
law 0.78%
economy 0.74%
deal + v. >>共 711
be 29.46%
fall 3.55%
go 3.14%
give 3.00%
come 2.71%
have 2.57%
include 2.39%
make 2.03%
allow 1.52%
require 1.43%
create 0.98%
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