21.   The data will provide a picture of price pressures at the wholesale level and clues about future inflation.

22.   The data provide the first concrete evidence of how the powerful and mercurial flow of international money both propped up and then helped unravel the countries now in crisis.

23.   The data would provide a more accurate estimate of how many people have reported HIV infections in a particular area.

24.   The data provided no clear signal of what Federal Reserve policy makers will do when they meet next week to determine whether to raise interest rates.

25.   The latest data provide a clearer picture of the characteristics of these isolated groups.

26.   The new IRS data provides some evidence that the use of illegal tax-avoidance techniques is common at many large corporations.

27.   This week, more data due out should provide investors with further clues on the U.S. economy.

28.   Ultimately the data could provide insights on how to build safer cars and improve treatment of crash victims.

29.   While the data released Tuesday provided little direction for investors, it did give them something to think about.

30.   While researchers have speculated about the subterranean super-fault for years, the new data provide the first significant geophysical evidence of its existence, scientists say.

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datum + v. >>共 404
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