21.   He will return to Bosanski Samac where he must turn over his passport to U.N. authorities and report daily to the local police station.

22.   It has a fleet of seven airplanes, each of which makes about two flights daily to southern Sudan.

23.   Korean Air makes night flights daily to Guam.

24.   Scheindlin ruled that while out on bail, he must live with his brother, wear an electronic bracelet and report daily to a pretrial services officer.

25.   WITH immediate effect, Cathay Pacific will operate two flights daily to Kuala Lumpur, the airline said in a statement released yesterday.

26.   Hendry said he was not in direct communications with Ousland but a satellite transmitter had been sending his position daily to Norway.

27.   Cathay currently operates passenger flights daily to Los Angeles and New York.

28.   Masuku was arrested that month and released on bail on condition he report daily to Mbabane police and refrain from addressing public rallies.

29.   On Wednesday it bought a full page in a Russian daily to print letters of support.

30.   Several companies, specialized in the exchange of Koran verses for music, advertise their services daily to offices in both public and private sectors.

a. + to >>共 706
open 6.79%
up 5.87%
guilty 4.74%
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daily + p. >>共 41
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on 10.68%
with 6.05%
from 5.52%
to 5.52%
as 4.98%
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since 3.74%
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