21.   The thought of cutting your consumption of high-fat foods may make your heart sink.

22.   They also cut consumption, particularly newspaper publishers, who trimmed the sizes of their publications.

23.   They may cut consumption or substitute something else.

24.   This year, a cow died of BSE and that started a panic that has cut beef consumption.

25.   Tumbling currencies, higher interest rates and slower economic growth have reduced purchasing power in much of Asia and cut consumption of base metals.

26.   What does cut cigarette consumption, McCarthy said, is price increases.

27.   Why not give people an economic incentive to cut electricity consumption at home?

28.   With oil prices low for most of the Clinton-Gore administration, Gore made little progress in his effort to cut oil consumption.

29.   A fellow participant in the project, Uthis Sunthornprasert, said he was keen to help the country cut energy consumption.

30.   By dipping a single wing into the upward-flowing portion of the vortex, the plane can use the additional lift it provides to cut fuel consumption.

v. + consumption >>共 193
reduce 15.33%
boost 5.65%
cut 5.15%
increase 5.03%
limit 4.65%
encourage 2.26%
curb 2.26%
spur 2.14%
stimulate 2.01%
discourage 1.88%
cut + n. >>共 936
cost 13.27%
tax 4.73%
rate 4.57%
price 3.88%
job 2.05%
production 1.70%
tie 1.68%
number 1.42%
deficit 1.17%
deal 1.15%
consumption 0.23%
每页显示:    共 41