21.   He believes Asian currencies must strengthen to ensure economic recovery.

22.   He hopes to expand his business - which naturally operates with a Health Department licence - but is waiting for our currency to strengthen first.

23.   In some countries, Malaysia included, the currencies have strengthened against the US dollar.

24.   In the beleaguered Afghan capital, money changers said the Afghan currency has strengthened slightly because of an infusion of fresh money as a result of the poppy harvest.

25.   Many analysts believe all the national private airlines will collapse soon if the Indonesian currency does not strengthen and the government does not help them.

26.   Mexico plans to let the peso float within a band once the market has calmed down and the currency has strengthened, President Ernesto Zedillo announced Friday.

27.   Regional currencies strengthened following reports that finance ministers from the Group of Seven industrialized countries plan to discuss measures to support Southeast Asian currencies, traders said.

28.   Rumors that the group was planning concerted intervention in Southeast Asian currency markets last week caused the currencies to strengthen against the U.S. dollar.

29.   Thai officials gave conflicting estimates Monday over whether the currency has strengthened enough to cut high interest rates threatening to kill businesses grappling with recession.

30.   The dollar initially moved up against the yen through cross trading, in which the currency strengthened against the German mark, traders said.

n. + strengthen >>共 512
dollar 8.52%
peso 3.97%
yen 3.28%
economy 3.16%
government 2.42%
currency 2.24%
mark 1.96%
pressure 1.90%
storm 1.78%
move 1.38%
currency + v. >>共 352
be 17.03%
make 6.26%
fall 4.99%
rise 4.06%
weaken 2.46%
continue 2.08%
remain 1.92%
plunge 1.82%
trade 1.60%
lose 1.53%
strengthen 1.25%
每页显示:    共 39