21.   Any damage will be attributed to France, which more than any other country wants a strong euro to stand up to the dollar on world currency markets.

22.   Any ripple in the international currency markets becomes more like a tidal wave on the border, financial observers say.

23.   Apparently seeking to keep the currency markets on guard, though, Duisenberg indicated Thursday that further surprise interventions on behalf of the euro were possible.

24.   As an offering to the currency market, he unveiled measures designed to entice Japanese life insurers and other institutions to invest more abroad.

25.   As the premium rises and foreign banks tighten credit lines, these banks are forced to purchase dollars in the currency market.

26.   As the premium rises and foreign banks tighten credit lines to Japanese banks, these banks are forced to purchase dollars in the currency market.

27.   As the premium rose and foreign banks tightened credit lines to Japanese banks, these banks are forced to purchase the dollar in the currency market.

28.   As U.S. leaders struggle with the fate of the dollar, companies involved in international business are watching currency markets closely.

29.   At first, the Mexico City stock market rose on news that U.S. authorities had entered the currency markets to purchase pesos for dollars.

30.   At first Asian governments defended their currencies by using dollar reserves to buy them back on world currency markets.

n. + market >>共 507
bond 12.43%
world 5.98%
currency 4.32%
labor 4.29%
capital 3.09%
job 3.07%
future 2.98%
bull 2.92%
equity 2.70%
export 2.24%
currency + n. >>共 555
market 12.93%
crisis 8.36%
dealing 6.95%
trader 5.95%
fluctuation 3.43%
board 2.99%
devaluation 2.79%
turmoil 2.56%
union 2.21%
speculator 1.80%
每页显示:    共 1069