21.   The barracks consists of a handful of crumbling buildings with large holes in the walls and no windows.

22.   The college, which specializes in teaching and preserving Navajo customs and culture, needed money to shore up crumbling buildings on the Hogan-shaped campus.

23.   The desolation of the Williamsburg and Greenpoint shores lined with crumbling buildings and salvage yards was so different from the Manhattan side.

24.   The ruins encircling us offered realistic settings for our war games, as we raced through basements or shot make-believe rifles through the broken windows of crumbling buildings.

25.   The scene, like the crumbling stone buildings in the village center, could be from medieval times.

26.   This is a forlorn town of gaping potholes and crumbling buildings, where hungry children beg for spare change and white faces are as rare as functioning street lights.

27.   Together, boss and workers patched crumbling buildings and broken lives.

28.   With so much bad news reported about New York City schools, from increased violence to crumbling buildings, it is a pleasure to note a positive academic achievement.

29.   Workers collected in small groups around the huge strip-mining machines and in the alleys between crumbling buildings.

30.   Originally, aid workers were told they had one month to pack their belongings and move into the crumbling buildings.

a. + building >>共 778
new 6.64%
federal 5.44%
public 4.77%
old 2.95%
tall 1.99%
historic 1.76%
main 1.76%
nearby 1.73%
same 1.70%
high-rise 1.55%
crumbling 0.33%
crumbling + n. >>共 260
building 7.13%
wall 5.19%
economy 3.57%
infrastructure 3.40%
school 3.24%
peace 2.59%
city 1.62%
house 1.46%
road 1.46%
brick 1.30%
每页显示:    共 44