21.   Some critics have faulted them for those rough edges.

22.   The nearby museum of the Hispanic Society of America remains, but critics fault it for doing little to connect with the thousands of Hispanic immigrants in Washington Heights.

23.   They are aware that some critics fault their work for being beautiful as well as likable.

24.   True, a critic might fault the recitation for a certain, to be kind, incoherence.

25.   Critics fault provisions in the accord giving the United States limited jurisdiction over U.S. soldiers who commit crimes in the Philippines.

26.   Critics faulted the recent selection of an all-white cricket team to play against Pakistan in an upcoming test in South Africa.

27.   Critics faulted the State Police for not keeping track of applicants who do not return after each testing level.

28.   Early critics faulted Bush for his lack of foreign policy and diplomatic experience, something Bush said he is methodically trying to overcome.

29.   However, critics faulted the decision of an Anglo-French governing agency to reopen the tunnel, with some questions about safety still being floated.

30.   In Indonesia, President Suharto has fostered rapid economic development, but critics fault the authoritarian nature of his government.

n. + fault >>共 111
critic 13.08%
report 8.85%
analyst 5.77%
group 3.85%
official 3.08%
double 2.69%
people 1.92%
investigation 1.92%
investigator 1.92%
expert 1.54%
critic + v. >>共 364
say 36.99%
be 4.71%
accuse 3.59%
argue 3.20%
charge 3.06%
call 2.92%
contend 2.84%
complain 2.28%
claim 1.74%
question 1.46%
fault 0.26%
每页显示:    共 34