21.   Flag of Convenience vessels, not operating under the flag of countries that have regional fisheries pacts in waters they trawl, are creating loopholes in fishing quota agreements.

22.   He said he was cautious of creating loopholes that could be used to defend child abusers.

23.   However, the government should exercise caution in this matter because changes could create loopholes for employers to avoid participating in such programs for their workers.

24.   Joan Claybrook, who headed the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration during the Carter administration, said the shortcomings noted Friday create loopholes that can be exploited by terrorists.

25.   Karamanou, said legislation governing illicit sex trade and practices varied across the EU, creating legal loopholes that allowed the exploitation of children to go on.

26.   Russia, however, has refused to go along with punishing Yugoslavia, which could create a loophole in the economic ban.

27.   South Korean officials suspect that the North Koreans may be trying to create a loophole.

28.   South Korean officials suspect that the North Koreans may be trying create a loophole.

29.   The challenge for lawmakers is drafting legislation that allows mothers an out without creating loopholes for child abuse and people who intentionally kill infants, Bruno said.

30.   By adding feelings of suicide to the definition of medical risk, the ruling effectively created a loophole.

v. + loophole >>共 82
close 40.32%
exploit 7.48%
find 5.72%
have 5.57%
use 5.57%
create 4.40%
plug 3.96%
eliminate 2.49%
leave 2.49%
tighten 1.91%
create + n. >>共 1362
job 5.22%
problem 3.16%
opportunity 1.68%
condition 1.07%
program 0.94%
atmosphere 0.81%
chance 0.78%
tension 0.74%
illusion 0.71%
sense 0.67%
loophole 0.11%
每页显示:    共 30