21.   And the square in front of the Hotel de Ville was jammed with thousands of people craning their necks to watch the match on a huge color screen.

22.   As our plane took off from LaGuardia, I joined the other passengers as we craned our necks after takeoff to glimpse Ground Zero.

23.   As the woodpecker picked away at bark, the birders craned their necks upward, watching every move the richly plumed character made.

24.   As he reaches a narrow-leaf cottonwood, a towering giant, he cranes his neck to look at the top.

25.   At Broadway and Wall streets, people walked up to a barrier across from the old Trinity Church and craned their necks with stunned expressions.

26.   At a recent preview, Barbara Bush stood on the stage and craned her neck to glimpse the faux shooting star that blazes across it every five minutes.

27.   Because the Kingdome was designed for football, fans have to crane their necks to watch baseball from many of the seats.

28.   Below, kids craned their necks to see exactly where the bird would glide.

29.   A few Haitians craned their necks to look.

30.   A day when his huge gallery roared, as little children and grownups craned their necks, followed every shot, and fueled him with adrenaline.

v. + neck >>共 219
crane 16.27%
break 12.23%
stick_out 5.94%
hurt 2.38%
strain 2.38%
injure 2.14%
twist 1.90%
slash 1.90%
snap 1.54%
grab 1.54%
crane + n. >>共 7
neck 87.26%
head 9.55%
ear 0.64%
look 0.64%
mouth 0.64%
nexks 0.64%
stand 0.64%
每页显示:    共 136