21.   Suu Kyi and her colleagues in the National League for Democracy have vowed they will convene parliament sometime during September.

22.   That clock started ticking Thursday when Yasser Arafat convened his parliament in Gaza City for its inaugural session.

23.   The government began the detentions when the NLD announced plans to convene parliament on its own.

24.   The government considers the committee and calls to convene the parliament a threat to national stability.

25.   The government has responded to the call to convene the parliament by threatening long prison terms and banning the party.

26.   The lawsuit has no more chance of succeeding that the calls to convene parliament.

27.   The politicians said they would convene parliament Monday to nominate a new prime minister.

28.   The military government refused to honor the election results, never convened parliament and has since arrested, or driven into exile, many of those who were elected.

29.   The NLD has not retracted its statement saying it will convene parliament.

30.   The military government has warned the NLD leadership that attempting to convene parliament is illegal.

v. + parliament >>共 226
dissolve 27.81%
address 6.29%
boycott 6.18%
disband 4.90%
tell 4.53%
dominate 3.20%
enter 2.29%
elect 2.18%
convene 2.18%
adjourn 1.70%
convene + n. >>共 105
meeting 26.12%
summit 6.97%
conference 6.15%
hearing 5.44%
parliament 4.85%
panel 4.49%
session 4.02%
security 3.31%
talk 3.19%
committee 2.60%
每页显示:    共 41