21.   For institutional investors, who must sometimes buy or sell huge blocks of stock, an illegal tactic known as front-running is a constant fear.

22.   For most victims, it is a waking nightmare characterized by constant fear and hypervigilance that triggers lasting emotional distress and sometimes results in bodily injury or even death.

23.   Hanks and the entire cast capture the sensibilities of GIs from any era, portraying their reluctant heroism in the face of constant fear.

24.   Hassan says the strain he feels has sources beyond the constant fear of reprisal.

25.   He can dwell on errors for days, and most of us work in constant fear of slipping up.

26.   He replies dryly that the reason he is no longer afraid to die is that living with the constant fear of death has made life not worth living.

27.   He knows their constant fear of a sudden career-ending injury.

28.   Her energetic dancing suggests a hearty eagerness to please, while her wet chocolate eyes signal a constant fear of rejection.

29.   Many non-government agencies work in constant fear that they will be next.

30.   Mike Kile, co-owner of Dayton Fireplace Systems Inc. in West Carrollton, said lawsuits are a constant fear for all business owners.

a. + fear >>共 774
worst 4.81%
public 3.68%
widespread 3.38%
growing 3.19%
biggest 2.46%
new 2.27%
constant 2.14%
lingering 1.70%
greatest 1.65%
same 1.49%
constant + n. >>共 1171
pressure 3.14%
threat 2.79%
reminder 2.30%
stream 2.08%
companion 2.08%
contact 2.00%
presence 1.57%
fear 1.55%
attention 1.49%
pain 1.43%
每页显示:    共 79