21.   Behind the scenes, Pataki and the New York congressional delegation have spent weeks trying to negotiate a compromise on the issue with the White House.

22.   Before focusing on Iraq, he spent some time chatting with the members of the congressional delegation he had taken with him.

23.   Bob Ziegelaar, the airport director at Bangor for nearly a decade, said he understood why the congressional delegation was upset.

24.   Bradley, presenting himself as an outsider, has not relied on endorsements and has received none from his home-state congressional delegation in New Jersey.

25.   A Casper student concerned about Internet security wins a letter-writing contest and meets with her congressional delegation.

26.   A budget watchdog group, the Concord Coalition, slams the entire northeast Ohio congressional delegation for failure to commit to the cause of deficit reduction.

27.   A congressional delegation follows, accentuating the positive aspects of the relationship, remaining silent on the actions its members so vigorously proscribe at home.

28.   A congressional delegation visited the camp on Friday, and its members said the treatment of prisoners was humane.

29.   A behind-the-scenes look at the Illinois congressional delegation.

30.   A high-powered congressional delegation departed Wednesday after a visit in which House Speaker Newt Gingrich seemed to stir emotions more than help the deadlocked peace process.

a. + delegation >>共 470
congressional 6.24%
russian 6.02%
high-level 4.04%
israeli 4.01%
palestinian 3.38%
chinese 2.86%
official 2.55%
large 2.30%
the 2.28%
north_korean 2.27%
congressional + n. >>共 468
leader 13.70%
approval 5.11%
committee 4.82%
hearing 4.33%
delegation 2.98%
district 2.72%
election 2.27%
candidate 2.22%
aide 2.19%
investigator 2.05%
每页显示:    共 375