21.   Then, Ms. Quarantillo said, the employees of the cleanup company must go through a background check before they are allowed near the confidential records.

22.   They also have complained that tobacco companies have improperly routed confidential records through their attorneys in order to prevent public disclosure of those documents.

23.   This account is pieced together from scores of other interviews and sources, including information from school files, government officials and confidential records.

24.   This abuse of confidential records is precisely what worries privacy groups about the creation of large government data bases.

25.   Two friends who had been given confidential financial records by Mrs. Durst for safekeeping, shortly before she vanished, have said the paperwork was stolen in burglaries.

26.   A major question is whether the church will surrender confidential records detailing when it learned of abuse cases and what actions it took.

27.   Chief U.S. District Judge Donald E. Ziegler sentenced Cox on Thursday, saying every citizen has the right to secure, confidential medical records.

28.   Irvine said Peach would have access to confidential records on individuals who have been appointed or considered for appointment as judges or QCs.

29.   British Columbia health officials were investigating on Thursday how confidential computerized medical records of Vancouver-area residents were sold to a computer buff.

30.   Pollwatch would have no access to confidential records.

a. + record >>共 677
criminal 7.98%
medical 4.41%
best 3.77%
high 3.14%
public 3.07%
new 2.88%
winning 2.29%
financial 1.78%
voting 1.53%
previous 1.53%
confidential 0.23%
confidential + n. >>共 227
information 21.77%
document 7.83%
report 6.73%
source 5.77%
file 3.50%
informant 3.23%
datum 3.02%
settlement 2.47%
record 2.06%
government 1.37%
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