21.   Christopher said the conference agreed unanimously that the U.N. Protection Force in Bosnia must remain despite Serb resistance, and that Gorazde must be protected.

22.   Grey said the conference must agree to get to work on banning the production of material to make nuclear weapons.

23.   He also opposed what he called the hasty manner in which the constitutional conference agreed to grant independence to what had been the northern province of Eritrea.

24.   In addition, the conference agreed that major investments should be made to upgrade trasportation routes for both entities, for development of infrastructure, housing reconstruction and demining.

25.   In October, the conference agreed to set up the two working groups which got under way Wednesday.

26.   In October, the conference agreed to set up two working groups which got under way Wednesday.

27.   Maquieira said he expected the conference to agree on a document with concrete goals -- from opportunities for work to tackling AIDS in Africa.

28.   The conference agreed to set up the agency, but details on the structure, mission and financing were put off for up to three months.

29.   The conference agreed, however, that the strictly astronomical new moon cannot be the criterion, because it is invisible.

30.   The conference also agreed to allocate more bandwidth for regional telecommunication links and to completely digitise inter-country links by December.

n. + agree >>共 541
side 9.59%
government 5.02%
leader 4.12%
official 3.69%
expert 3.40%
company 3.29%
party 2.94%
analyst 2.62%
country 2.60%
minister 1.82%
conference 0.21%
conference + v. >>共 461
be 19.20%
end 3.37%
take 3.09%
open 2.91%
have 2.84%
begin 2.38%
focus 1.88%
go 1.60%
agree 1.56%
aim 1.53%
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