21.   Although there is no conclusive evidence that the vaccine causes the bowel condition, CDC officials said the data are strongly suggestive.

22.   Although these figures are not conclusive evidence that the Internet is grinding to a halt, they do suggest it is performing below its best.

23.   Although the latest research did not find conclusive evidence of benefits in single-sex schools, it did find that such programs are extremely popular with girls.

24.   American newsstands abound in conclusive evidence that they must.

25.   And more conclusive evidence is needed on his arm strength.

26.   And we have no found no conclusive evidence of a historical tradition of immunity for private parties carrying out these functions.

27.   As with many health studies, evidence suggests potential benefits, with a great deal more research needed to provide conclusive evidence.

28.   Almost all studies conducted have failed to show any conclusive evidence that cell phone use can cause cancer.

29.   But a nearby site, flatter and more open, which was surveyed to test the equipment, showed conclusive evidence of Inca ruins.

30.   But even the harshest critics of the spraying program concede that there has been little conclusive evidence so far to back up their fears.

a. + evidence >>共 460
new 8.46%
scientific 3.64%
further 3.57%
insufficient 3.55%
physical 3.36%
anecdotal 2.91%
sufficient 2.71%
hard 2.41%
clear 1.95%
strong 1.82%
conclusive 1.27%
conclusive + n. >>共 78
evidence 39.64%
proof 17.14%
result 5.88%
link 2.56%
datum 2.05%
answer 1.79%
explanation 1.79%
finding 1.28%
test 1.28%
verdict 1.28%
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