21.   Co-operation was underpinned by the willingness of BR management to avoid compulsory redundancies and to find alternative work for those displaced by schemes for change.

22.   Coun John Rowlands, chairman of Gwynedd Civil Engineering, said talks were taking place with the unions to try to avoid compulsory redundancies.

23.   All this decision means was in the public services there much greater use of a compulsory redundancy that reduces job security and results in much lower redundancy payments.

24.   While councils are striving to avoid compulsory redundancies and adopting restrictions on recruitment, freezing posts and voluntary severance as alternative, compulsory redundancies are taking place.

25.   Abbey said there would be no compulsory redundancies in the branch network.

26.   Firms have pledged to avoid compulsory redundancies, and workers whose jobs are transferred to a private company will retain their current pay structures and benefits.

27.   He said the aim was to make the layoffs voluntary, but warned that compulsory redundancies may be necessary.

28.   The Manufacturing Science and Finance union said it would fight compulsory redundancies.

29.   In Duesseldorf, Wolfgang Clement, economy minister in the North Rhine-Westphalia government, confirmed both sides had promised there would be no compulsory redundancies.

30.   A facilitator will help find agreement on the number of pilots who will remain and possible alternatives to compulsory redundancies.

a. + redundancy >>共 62
compulsory 20.00%
voluntary 18.29%
mass 9.71%
further 3.43%
large-scale 3.43%
statutory 3.43%
forced 2.29%
generous 2.29%
collective 1.71%
latest 1.71%
compulsory + n. >>共 237
service 9.15%
dance 7.35%
redundancy 5.25%
education 4.65%
license 2.70%
purchase 2.70%
exercise 1.95%
registration 1.95%
arbitration 1.35%
program 1.35%
每页显示:    共 35