21.   Most complaints involve police brutality or legal procedures.

22.   My advice to all the parties involved is to be extremely careful because the complaint involves people of different races and religions.

23.   One complaint involved a U.S. decision to suspend an anti-dumping case against Russian uranium that was coming into the U.S. market at low prices.

24.   Service complaints involve phone repair, delayed or improper installation, tree trimming and missed appointments, BPU spokeswoman Angela Adekola said.

25.   The complaints involve slamming allegations against both Qwest and LCI International Telecom Corp., acquired by Qwest a year ago.

26.   The complaints involved refusal to aid a disabled person in boarding a bus and injuries that occurred when disabled riders were carried on or off buses.

27.   The complaints involve several airlines and passengers across the country, says Hussein Ibish, spokesman for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee in Washington.

28.   The complaints mostly involve the furniture, the wiring and the heating, cooling, lighting and sound systems.

29.   The complaint involved freelance photographer Stephen Boitano, who was on assignment for The Associated Press at the time of the incident Monday afternoon.

30.   The complaint involved free-lance photographer Stephen Boitano, who was on assignment for The Associated Press at the time of the incident Monday afternoon.

n. + involve >>共 1669
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complaint + v. >>共 298
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