21.   Local authorities say they can provide only one meal daily, and communal kitchens supplying meals will run out of food Friday, he said.

22.   Massive communal kitchens have sprouted up around the quake zone.

23.   The able clean the communal kitchen, distribute food and bathe and massage the weak.

24.   The country began a forced march to pure agrarian communism - money was abolished, nationwide communal kitchens introduced, schools and temples shut.

25.   The Red Cross aid will mainly target families affected by the AIDS virus, providing bulk food distribution and supplementary feeding at communal kitchens.

26.   They were sleeping in a classroom and eating from the communal kitchen tent stocked only with corn gruel, coffee and beans.

27.   A communal kitchen prepares rice and noodles for them.

28.   At a smaller, poorer communal kitchen near a dusty purple and yellow circus tent, the problem is the same.

29.   The victims, workers in a brick kiln and a furniture shop, ate in a communal kitchen.

30.   She can rarely take her eyes off the large crack which splits the wall of the communal kitchen and the sagging ceiling of the bathroom.

a. + kitchen >>共 506
open 5.21%
new 4.94%
small 3.99%
home 3.99%
large 2.98%
full 2.57%
old 2.30%
communal 2.17%
tiny 2.10%
professional 1.49%
communal + n. >>共 363
farm 6.03%
violence 5.51%
kitchen 3.33%
property 2.08%
living 2.08%
experience 1.77%
land 1.56%
life 1.56%
unrest 1.46%
apartment 1.46%
每页显示:    共 32