21.   The acid rain debate dragged on for decades as owners of midwestern coal plants, a leading cause of the problem, pressed for more scientific studies.

22.   The company announced last week it was shutting down its oldest coal plants in Georgia, none of which is part of the EPA lawsuit.

23.   The generator, which GE calls the H System, produces far less smog-causing nitrogen oxides than coal plants and some existing natural gas plants.

24.   The land was home at various times to the S.F. Gas Light Company, the Citizen Gas Company, a coal gasification plant and a gas station.

25.   The safer, if costlier, choice would be to build a coal plant and improve the energy efficiency of existing factories.

26.   The rebuilt Gannon plant, using high-efficiency natural gas technology, would produce electricity for about the same price as the coal plant, he said.

27.   Then the state can begin the significant task of cleaning up pollution there caused by a previous coal gasification plant.

28.   There were no bidders for a minority stake in Termotasajero, a coal plant near the Venezuelan border.

29.   Two energy-producing coal plants owned by CEEE will be sold later.

30.   While the EPA report did not make specific recommendations, environmental activists said it bolsters their case that mercury emissions regulations are badly needed for coal plants.

n. + plant >>共 1068
assembly 8.92%
treatment 7.03%
water 3.61%
auto 2.89%
sewage 2.52%
car 2.49%
production 2.11%
truck 1.50%
desalination 1.24%
weapon 1.17%
coal 0.60%
coal + n. >>共 272
mine 20.90%
miner 15.37%
industry 8.58%
company 4.31%
mining 3.37%
dust 2.44%
price 1.78%
plant 1.64%
producer 1.31%
region 1.22%
每页显示:    共 35