21.   Now all three states are facing crushing deficits and may have to close parks, delay road construction, close hospitals and reduce police officers in rural areas.

22.   Officials were moving the other patients to other hospitals in the area Wednesday night and were preparing to close the hospital until after the storm.

23.   Paananen and other family members of patients say they have been reluctant to complain in the past because they feared that the hospital would be closed entirely.

24.   Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, warned that the rules could create so much paperwork they could close hospitals.

25.   School spending has declined, hospitals have been closed and nursing staffs have been reduced because of budget cuts.

26.   So closing a hospital with too many beds will in many cases also eliminate a source of basic care.

27.   The hospital was closed under Defense Department base closings brought on by the end of the Cold War.

28.   The hospital was closed, and other hospitals in the city were alerted to take precautions.

29.   The hospitals were closed at a time when new antipsychotic drugs made medicating patients in the community seem a humane alternative to long-term hospitalization.

30.   The hospital was closed Wednesday.

v. + hospital >>共 422
leave 23.27%
enter 5.77%
visit 5.58%
reach 3.58%
storm 2.23%
close 2.23%
run 1.74%
hit 1.74%
build 1.43%
include 1.36%
close + n. >>共 625
market 11.40%
door 5.73%
eye 5.34%
gap 3.72%
school 3.27%
office 3.14%
border 2.68%
airport 2.29%
road 2.16%
plant 2.04%
hospital 0.34%
每页显示:    共 59