21.   So players are told by their agent to be clean for the test, then get a free ticket for your whole career.

22.   Stamps has been clean for nine years.

23.   The judge also gave him a stern warning to keep his nose spotlessly clean for the next four years, or face a prison sentence.

24.   The paint, on the market in Europe and Asia, is guaranteed to stay clean for five years without detergents or sandblasting.

25.   They keep their nose clean for six months and we dismiss.

26.   They were carefully wrapped in plastic to keep them clean for future use, Baldassano says.

27.   What I do is to try to keep clean for five days, very little fat.

28.   When the binge ended, she returned to Maine, beat cocaine again, then tried to stay clean for good, Burt Somers said.

29.   But Wanda has been clean for more than four years, and she credits Lending for giving her a push.

30.   Despite the river of refugees, though, the school is remarkably clean for a country where facades are scarred by bullets and floors are muddied with the footprints.

a. + for >>共 863
available 10.91%
set 3.36%
unavailable 2.96%
positive 2.27%
difficult 1.91%
prepared 1.88%
famous 1.75%
important 1.68%
open 1.62%
bad 1.56%
clean 0.05%
clean + p. >>共 31
up 21.82%
of 19.74%
as 12.47%
for 9.09%
with 6.75%
through 3.90%
by 3.64%
in 3.38%
on 3.12%
after 1.82%
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