21.   A local government labor official denied that a clash had occurred but confirmed that workers had protested for a few hours after the factory declared bankruptcy Saturday.

22.   A minor clash occurred when police officers, backed by troops and several military armored vehicles, forced back students who tried to make their way to the streets.

23.   All those clashes reportedly occurred Wednesday.

24.   An official source would only confirm that clashes occurred, and Tizi Ouzou Hospital declined to say if anyone was treated for injuries.

25.   Armed clashes occur along the border nearly every day, the commander of the Russian Frontier Guard Troops in Tajikistan told the news agency ITAR-Tass Wednesday.

26.   Argentine President Carlos Menem said Fujimori warned him clashes could still occur because it was impossible to immediately inform all the soldiers in the isolated area of the truce.

27.   Basilan Gov. Wahad Akbar told The Associated Press that the clashes occurred on the southwestern fringes of the provincial capital Isabela, near a mountainous watershed called Sampinit.

28.   Attempts at peace agreements have failed and clashes occur almost daily in Grozny and elsewhere in Chechnya.

29.   But no clash occurred.

30.   But the Taliban denied any clash occurred.

n. + occur >>共 919
incident 6.74%
accident 6.06%
attack 4.78%
explosion 4.08%
blast 2.84%
death 2.35%
shooting 2.24%
problem 1.82%
crash 1.75%
injury 1.56%
clash 1.50%
clash + v. >>共 213
be 21.19%
erupt 10.63%
break_out 9.67%
continue 8.73%
occur 8.18%
take 6.32%
begin 3.80%
come 3.42%
leave 1.62%
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每页显示:    共 236