21.   Few American sports executives can claim the success of West, just as few Hall of Famers can claim the playing success of West.

22.   For his money, however, Forbes did well enough to claim success at the end of the day and push on with his campaign.

23.   He can claim success in steering through a crime bill, budget deficit reduction measures and the North American Free Trade Agreement.

24.   Harvard officials, however, also claimed success.

25.   He can rightly claim success on his small scale.

26.   He has claimed success in restoring democracy in Haiti, making peace in the Middle East and Northern Ireland, and in rebuilding Bosnia.

27.   I can claim success with more demanding plants.

28.   If President Clinton can claim one resounding success over the past two years, it is in economic foreign policy.

29.   In the foreign policy arena, Bush has claimed several successes, the most obvious of which is defeating the Taliban in Afghanistan.

30.   It would not take much for the Democrats to claim success.

v. + success >>共 523
have 26.42%
achieve 5.13%
enjoy 4.42%
find 3.47%
claim 2.87%
attribute 2.64%
measure 2.41%
guarantee 1.90%
ensure 1.63%
follow 1.19%
claim + n. >>共 531
responsibility 36.18%
victory 5.67%
life 3.63%
sovereignty 2.41%
credit 2.35%
attack 2.30%
success 1.26%
island 1.15%
right 1.14%
victim 1.10%
每页显示:    共 149