21.   Councilman Hal Bernson said the city should use its leverage in trying to force the executives to appear before the council.

22.   Currently, the city is using a nearby warehouse, beneath the Brooklyn Bridge, as a command center.

23.   Faience is a French word for an Italian city that is used to describe a kind of ceramic that is older than the pyramids and just as typically Egyptian.

24.   For the fee, the cities may use the First Night name and get advice on how to organize the event.

25.   Gingrich said that the environmental agency had disregarded scientific opinion and insisted that San Diego must build the same costly two-stage water treatment that most cities use.

26.   Glendale and Burbank both upped their police patrols, calling in off-duty officers, and both cities used their cable channels to keep the public updated.

27.   He said that meant the city could have used the money to host other conventions in San Diego, if there had been any.

28.   Hernandez said the city could use its nuisance abatement laws to close down any existing liquor stores that cause problems.

29.   However, arena financing laws passed recently by the Texas Legislature liberalize how a city can use tax dollars for sports facilities.

30.   Hughes is checking to see whether any other cities have used the technique to battle prostitution.

n. + use >>共 1017
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city 0.39%
city + v. >>共 754
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